How Society failed Lucio Dupuy
It was a hot and ominous afternoon in La Pampa, Argentina. Plain and infinite as Magdalena’s and Abigail’s hate towards Lucio Dupuy, Magdalena’s 5-year-old son.
Just hours later, that night of November 26th, Lucio would be suffering an agonizing death as a product of the constant beating and neglect inflicted by these two women; individuals who, on previous occasions and with the help of social media, portrayed themselves as role models and members of a happy family.
News around Argentina, including magazines, radio, and podcast shows took over this information and informed about the murder.
Television and internet shows started talking about this tragedy. Didn’t authorities see this was about to happen? For how long these women were abusing this minor and nobody said or did anything about it?
Hate started it all
In the last twenty years, the berating of men has taken new highs, or perhaps new lows. Today, society plays a role in degrading the idea of men and everything that is associated with them. By default, every man is a potential criminal or, as some collectives would like to brand them, rapists.
Dozens of journals claim this statement as truth regardless of the evidence that sexual abusers have a specific profile and psychological traits. Regardless, many famous and not-so-popular figures claim this is true. Lucio’s death has a direct connection with this syndrome. This affliction has numbed the minds of today’s society and has claimed that some lives are not as valuable as others.
After Lucio’s murder, his father, Christian Dupuy, claimed that he requested his son’s custody several times due to the mother and her couple’s attitude towards the minor. The father and his family have had custody for a while and had presented no conflicts.
The kid was neither exposed nor exhibited in any way, shape, or form. He had an everyday life, a kid’s life. Regardless, when Lucio stood with his mother and her couple, he was mistreated, and exposed while being abused as an ironic sign of unity and bravery.
In a video, we can see how the kid exposing a fractured hand, product of the beatings, is sat on a sidewalk in the middle of a pro-abortion march in Argentina, forced to be there in that condition by his future murderers.
The mistreatment was extensive and not limited to physical harm but also included psychological abuse. According to the father, the occasions he could talk with his son through video calls were revealing and omening.
He noticed the scared eyes of his kid constantly looking over the camera to be instructed on how and what to say to the people who love him.
Plus, according to his paternal grandfather, Lucio would pee himself when he faced any difficulty or challenge, a clear sign he was afraid of the probable beating he might suffer for ‘failing’ in doing something he was ordered to do.
Likewise, the same grandfather reported that Magdalena, Lucio’s mother, asked a fee of $3,000 (three thousand pesos) to allow him video calls with the minor. The old man also shared the kid was locked up alone in a room for as long as three days by Magdalena and her couple.

Every authority knew Lucio, none of them did a thing
This situation also reveals that neighbors reported to police several times, but the authorities didn’t proceed properly and let the mistreatment continue. Here we can see a What’s Up conversation where a neighbor states how terrible the beatings were towards the minor.

Christian had been claiming custody of his son since August 2020. He begged for his son, and the family judge (Ana Clara Perez Ballester) decided to keep Magdalene’s custody of Lucio in a despicable act of blindness towards the minor’s interest.
By January 2022, it is unclear if Christian showed evidence his mother and her couple were torturing the kid. However, even if he didn’t show any, La Pampa could have avoided this tragedy.
The judge could have ruled a fair custody schedule for both parents allowing Christian to report to the very first sign of mistreatment, but this didn’t happen because the boy and his right to spend the same amount of time with both parents was never an option.
Condemned from the beginning
Before his murder, Lucio had been assisted at least five times, within three months (between November 2020 to March 2021), for poly-traumatic injuries in various medical centers across La Pampa. No reports to police were filled on any of those occasions, which means that not even medical staff cared about the safety of a 5-year-old who exposed recently healed scars all over his body.
This also shows the mother’s awareness of any possible police inquiry by not taking the minor to the same medical center to avoid further questioning about the child’s wounds.
However, there were scars, bruises, cigarette marks, bites, signs of sexual abuse, and damaged mental health. Why have we allowed this? Because the ones in custody were women? The probable answer is yes.
We didn’t do anything because women cannot be portrayed as cruel and heartless, not even worse than men. Nobody thought about Lucio or his demise. Nobody cared.
His father is now considering suing the state for its negligence.
Men are the enemy

If we brand men as misogynist, rude, dumb, and keen on crime, what would be the take from the audience bombarded with this information? When movies, songs, literature, and news are full of stories where the word ‘man’ and ‘men’ are only shown when evil is associated with them, what can we expect?
Nowadays, a simple man holding the hand of his child is a sign of abuse1. (Farrell W. & Gray J. 2018, The boy crisis: why our boys are struggling and what we can do about it chapter 19.); this has evolved into what feminist now call ‘Toxic Masculinity’ which arbitrarily encloses all traditional masculine characteristics branding them as nocive for society.
Toxic masculinity has penetrated so deeply in ‘professionals’ minds that even ambiguous news and medical articles claim it is true while barely underlining there could be excess in its use.
However, the basis for these claims is inexact, and does not correspond with the functional idea of what traditional men traits are, such as strength, courage, independence, leadership, and assertiveness.
The idea of toxic masculinity misses that men are keen to express their love and affection different than women, like when they spend more hours at work to provide for their families, or when they choose to spend 95% to 99% of their time off with their couple or wife and kids over their friends.
Men are also more keen to safe money exclusively for family expenses, as well as willingly offer themselves to engage in riskful and uncomfortable activities to protect their loved ones (Men are more willing to commit acts of sacrifice than women).
Lucio was a man too
In Lucio’s case, the tweets posted by Abigail Paez, Magdalena’s couple, besides being full of drug propaganda and abuse, explain the hate towards men of all sizes and origins.
She has also claimed the right to be alone with the mother for merely sexual purposes while constantly complaining that she had to deal with the minor.
Currently, she has deleted the tweets, but the Internet has its way of keeping them alive (Author’s translation):

‘Do not have children if you really don’t want them or planned it as a major goal in your lives. Do not bring children to the world to suffer for f**k sake’

‘Sometimes I wish I had some days to myself and Maga. Is that too much to ask?’

‘I arrived home and take a shower and smoke weed, then I take a nap, then i take a shower again, and like that until the anger fades away’.

‘I pisses me off this dude plays the great father because I have what he lacks and everybody can see that miles away and it is courage. bravery, and love. It is amazing they do not mean anything to both of them. I did give them what you take away from them and never knew how to face and cherish’
Supporters in the Argentinian radical feminist sphere considered Magdalena Esposito Valenti and Abigail as valorous and role models to follow.
However, these same women who fought with them against patriarchy have excused and even justified the murder of the minor. Here are some tweets (Author’s translation):

‘It is delusional to think that a kid could not have done something to deserve this. Here some news of the thousands of cases in the Web:’
(Note: The news posted is about minors who killed another underage in a gruesome murder.)

She/He is right! Why the f**k bring children to the world? Maternity MUST be planned. Precisely to avoid these atrocities with a sick woman who does not have an idea of what it means to be a mother.
Why is this crime so relevant? A quick response: courthouse blindness, a society that turns against men and their rights, media that portrays the father figure as incompetent and dangerous, and of course, the illusion that an ideology will save humanity from suffering by demonizing the traditional image of men.
Are martyrs such as Lucio inevitable? Apparently, for many, a boy must be beaten to death so society can see how far they have deviated from order.
We need to learn from Lucio Dupuy's case
After Lucio’s death, numerous articles exposed this tragedy around Argentina and the rest of the world. They called the murderers monsters, selfish, and inhumane. However, these journalists were nowhere when Lucio’s father claimed his custody or when the mother and her couple abused the minor.

The social philosopher Rene Girard elaborated a thesis that perfectly fits Lucio’s case.
In his book ‘The Scapegoat,’ the French author trumps the idea that humans need to perform sacrifices, choosing a pure, innocent victim to pay for their crimes.
In this sacrifice, society follows the same dynamics used in religious rites such as in Judaism, by sacrificing a lamb; and the bread and wine, in the case of Christianity.
Both rites are offered for the reparation of sins with the hope of achieving forgiveness.
In our worldview, we are the ones sacrificing lambs, such as Lucio, to have the right to call ourselves humans.
We know our actions will have terrible consequences.
Still, we choose not to think about it through the willingly blinded family courts, the ideologies, the media that enhance differences to sell more through fear.
We are scorpions who sting themselves in an attempt to attack the enemy.
How many of these holocausts must we see? How twisted have we become? We are guilty, and more lambs will pay the price until we stop praising ourselves as morally superior to others.
Now that Lucio’s male body cannot receive any more punishment from radical anger disguised as paladin justice, we can finally say rest in peace, Lucio, you are in a place where suffering is no more.
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