March 14, 2025

Coersitive Vaccination, For your own good.

According to the Webster Dictionary:

Coerced: transitive verb

  • 1: to compel an act or choice
    • was coerced into agreeing.
    • Abusers who coerce their victims into silence.
  • 2: to achieve by force or threat,
    • coerce compliance
    • coerce obedience.
  • 3: to restrain or dominate by force
    • religion in the past has tried to coerce the irreligious — W. R. Inge

Many companies following Biden’s executive order (September 9th) about mandated vaccines for businesses with more than 100 employees welcomed the directives with open arms while showing their backs to their employees’ liberties.

Particularly, CEOs and managers with a frozen heart and low oxygen levels in the blood relished with the decision, primarily those who obtain their positions due to a well-developed sensitivity for political correctness or a blatant disregard for individual liberties. These characters often spew expressions such as ‘For your own good’ and ‘Seeking the well-being of the members of the organization.’

These managers are paladins of ‘we’ and ‘them,’ ‘good vs. evil’ and gender-neutral nonsense rhetoric. These are individuals who proudly show themselves as examples of immaculate success at an early age and sugar-coated LinkedIn ‘About’ descriptions with rainbow-colored icons each June, only to hide their mediocrity as leaders. No adjectives are enough to describe these human units who would prefer their fellow workers lose their jobs and livelihood rather than become authentic leaders by defending their employees’ liberty to reject a nowadays evident coerced vaccination.

A Wounded Beast

This introduction to the current article is to addresses your feelings of incongruency. We are sure you feel that way, as there are constant lies from the Government, the news media giants, and big fat companies whose mission seem to be spreading disinformation, division, confusion, and today’s new icing: coercion.

We shouldn’t be so surprised by this at all. Coercion has always happened. Well, not in the way it is happening now. These agents of control are losing trust from citizens and even confidence in themselves and their power. They are, in essence, playing an act, an opera buffa, and sooner than later they will look at the seats and notice there is no more crowd to distract.

There is no right or wrong anymore. No clear direction to follow.

They earned it

Do not feel they are the ones here to impose control. We, the People, gave them the control. It has happened all the time. People want to be controlled as long as there is order. But today, there is no more order, not up or down, no right or wrong. There is only confusion, and the easiest and faster way to control and limit confusion is by force.

Big media no longer advises avoiding certain conduct, neither asking you to protect your family or your employees. Instead, they are now giving more space to divisive speech, a justification for some radical views that somehow will balance the power and fight the privilege of some upper classes.

It is not the first time we have seen the Marxist discourse, and it won’t be the last but using it to gain viewers and create chaos, thinking it will not affect the fabric of society is an idiotic and suicidal act.

The World is getting tired.

Madness Is not exclusive but inclusive; we need to glance to our sides. We see Canada enforcing vaccination (Trudeau is… Trudeau), France demanding proof of vaccination to enter museums, cinemas, sports venues, and more; and Australia harassing their citizens to accuse their neighbors of not wearing a mask and limiting transit from state to state even if your relative is about to die. This country has been turning into what they so sought to eradicate from its story: A prison island.

Are we turning into China? Will the West eventually lock down their citizens into their houses and wait for them to die, then smiling for the camera to show the rest how effective we are expressing our cynicism?

Are we going to forced people to vaccinate, particularly minority groups (Who are usually the ones who reject it)? Nazi Germany also forcefully intervened minorities groups, not for vaccination but for sterilization, as well as the today Chinese Communist Party is doing with the Uyghurs. Do we want to mimic the model used, excluding the idea that it was born from a totalitarian regime? You are what you do and how you do it, I would add.

We get the Picture, Vaccination is Right, but it is?

The Vaccination against COVID-19 has shown effectiveness and has reduced the risks of infection worldwide. That is true, but do we have the whole picture?

What about the recent whistleblowers who reported a considerable number of vaccinated people showing negative results? Weren’t they also people looking to stay healthy? Are we going to turn a blind eye? Should we consider them some collateral damage? Is anybody going to be responsible for secondary symptoms of a coercive vaccination, one that in some cases could cause death?

Paraphrasing Paul Goepfert, M.D. director of the Alabama Vaccine Research Clinic at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, side effects, if any of these occur, are seen within the first two months after rollout. Goepfert also adds that these symptoms are usually arm pain, fatigue, and headache. In other words, easy to handle the pain that resolves quickly. 

However, Goepfert also admits that a tiny percentage of people might suffer rare side effects from six to two weeks after receiving the vaccine, such as myocarditis or inflammation of the heart muscle (After taking Moderna and Pfizer), or Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia after receiving the Astra Zeneca vaccine.

Lady Liberty

However, even if the odds are minimal after taking a shot, shouldn’t we, the people, consider receiving a dose only if we are free to choose? Without any type of coercion or bullying from media, late-night hosts, and self-indulged actors and music stars?

Recently, Project Veritas showed in a series called ‘COVID-19 vaccine exposed’ where several testimonies share how pharmaceutical companies and hospitals manipulate information to hide important details about the vaccine as well as some patients; yes, the same patients belonging to that tiny percentage, who has suffered the terrible side effects of COVID-19 vaccination. But, unfortunately, this information is not being broadcasted by the big news channels regardless of their trustful sources and material evidence.

It is evident that we are heading to a time where the balance between control and liberty will become the most decisive confrontation of our times, with two well-defined sides: the ones who advocate for a strong Big Brother versus those who rely on Lady Liberty.


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