March 14, 2025

Biden, are you in control?

Joe Biden is well known for being a trustful source of gaffes, as well as half-truths (As many other politicians would be), but a cynical speaker, that’s new to this administration.

Nowadays, it seems he forgets the basics of his faith (He claims to be a faithful Catholic) and lacks a sense of coherence in his political discourse. Every time he gives a message, it doesn’t care if his statements about freedom and citizens’ health protection contradict each other. In other words, he is no longer being coherent. It only acts and speaks when the clock demands it.

Biden is merely doing what his staff is telling him to do.

If somebody takes a closer looked at the bills he sponsored from 1987 to 2008, you will notice he has been a man of different interests and not compromised about any particular cause, which of course can also describe many other politicians in DC. However, we can see a man who has constantly been adapting according to the circumstances.

He has been doing this for a long time and feels comfortable around staff, and by this time, he is undoubtedly aware of his reach and limitations.

The other side of this coin shows a man with Christian principles who is no longer following his morals.

On Thursday 9th Biden issued two executive orders requiring Covid-19 vaccination for federal workers and their contractors. In addition, he requested the Department of Labor to require businesses with more than 100 employees to make sure they are vaccinated or be tested weekly in the same speech.

Since day one, Biden seemed to love issuing executive orders as a method to ‘solve problems’ quickly, not considering this rush to action on controversial matters for a considerable number of Americans might result in more division and rejection from his persona.

Are the executive orders a way of saying I am too tired to keep talking about this problem?

We also saw this behavior when a journalist asked him a question about Afghanistan. He refused to answer as if the situation would have been solved. Again, it is very similar to how a father will finish an argument with their children: hitting a dining table, in this case, a podium, to simulate his final word.  

Not only this, but his positive views towards abortion and his administration suing the recent Texas Heartbeat abortion ban have earned him the rejection from the same Catholic community he claims to be part of.

Abortion will not be as much of a problem for an atheist or even, in some cases, exceptionally liberal evangelical churches. Still, for Catholics, abortion is a crime and one of the worst sins a human being could commit. Therefore, it is essential to highlight that in Catholicism; each case needs to be addressed directly to a priest to share why and even who (if this decision was forced or influenced) was involved.

Contradiction or Cynicism?

Biden’s most important decisions are in direct contradiction with his values. In the past, Biden expressed not agreeing with Roe vs. Wade, not only after the decision was made but also many years later.  

Biden makes constant references about God and his Catholic upbringing; we have seen how he has placed a picture of the Pope amongst his family photos. Yet, for him, his faith and the value of human life have always been important, so why is he making such contradictory decisions?

Why is he rushing to sign executive orders knowing this will bring more clashes between parties?

Why he ran to act about Afghanistan, the Keystone XL, and the Border crisis without taking the time and care of his Office demands?

The guys behind the curtains

Biden’s staff has not been the best, there are reports they are afraid for what Biden’s is going to say, and they don’t seem to like further questions be inquired to the President. For many, it looks like his staff are aware of Biden’s notorious lack of patience and endurance and they only seem to show him when is completely necessary and under strict controlled environments, which means: ‘He has to show his face now! And has to say something about this before he ****s things up!’

It seems the administration is battling with Joe Biden’s character 24/7 as if he forgets what to do, what to say, and how to manage the press. For moments, Biden seems to be trapped in his position, not free to express himself but conducted to perform as a President.

Are there any signs this is going to change? Unfortunately, nothing indicates it will, which is disconcerting because the Presidency is a position that demands 24/7-hour shifts, like it or not, plus receiving pressure from inside and outside the US.

So, this question emerges: Is anybody telling Biden what to do? How to be a President? Is this person or group trying to conduct his performance even where his acts directly contradict his beliefs? If not, is he a hypocrite, a lier, or a cynical?

Many American citizens don’t expect much from the Biden’s administration. Still, at least they ask for coherence and openness to criticism, as well as assertiveness while making decisions because the argument about blaming Trump for all the wrong decisions this administration has made is starting to wear down.


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