March 18, 2025

A Teacher Without a Class

The recently elected President of Peru, Pedro Castillo, a humble teacher for his natal Chota located in the province of Cajamarca, seems to be in deep trouble finding the best people to include in his cabinet.

Pedro Castillo has declared himself a Marxist, Leninist, and  Maoist. Some of the most politically correct traits a human being can hold nowadays. Moreover, he touts his Communist identity as the only right path, an undeniable lighthouse, as the only solution to guide the uneducated masses. Something that the rest of the world has heard, from so many others, so many times and that has ended in poverty and massacre through the 20th century.

Castillo is still on the race to find a proper Cabinet before August 30th this year when he will have to present it to the Peruvian Congress.  That day the Congress will have to approve or reject the Cabinet, and if the latter occurs this will force Castillo to choose a new one.

However, if the second Cabinet gets also rejected by the Peruvian Congress, according to the present Constitution, Castillo will have the authority to dissolve Congress. Just as the former,  blatantly corrupted, President Martin Vizcarra did on September 30, 2019.

Many have declared the recent Cabinet chosen by Castillo has been on purpose a terrible one, full of individuals accused of sexual misconduct, homophobia, conspiracy theorist among other pearls. Here a short list:

  • Prime Minister (Leader of the Cabinet): Guido Bellido.
    • Bellido has expressed hate towards the gay community after a tweet in which he expressively accused homosexuals of being useless.
  • Minister of Transport: Juan Silva Villegas.
    • Villegas has mentioned he has been accused in 2011 by his partner of physical and verbal aggression.
    • Villegas also has a collection of transit violations, some of them (An infraction committed in 2014) still unpaid.
  • Minister or Labor: Iber Maravi.
    • Maravi has been sanction by Peruvian National Civil Service Authority a government section from the Presidency of Counsel of Ministers for missing 10 days to his duties at a school in 2019. 
    • He has been also accused of being a pawn of Castillo to manipulate and allow the creation of new syndicates that will give the current President more power over education labor unions. 

Possible Links with Terrorist Group

Furthermore, Hector Bejar also designated by Pedro Castillo as Foreign Minister, resigned after a video from 2019 emerged expressing that the terrorist-Maoist group called Sendero Luminoso ‘Shining Path’ (A group that killed thousands of Peruvian Citizens in the 1980s) was actually a creation of the CIA and the Peruvian Navy. 

Apparently, Bejar let his boiling communist heart blind his memory and reasoning capabilities by concocting such baseless allegation, which by the way he also recognized as unable to prove when teaching lies to inadvertent students during that video.

The links between Pedro Castillo and Terrorist groups are being constantly shouted at by the press and the opposition, and some foreign analysts might also get encouraged to think that perhaps this is some type of political attack from the Right. (If there is something almost inexistent in Peru is a right-wing press).

However,  individuals very close to the President such as Guillermo Bermejo and Alfredo Pariona, both now congressmen, are still under investigation for terrorist activities in previous years; with video, audio, and ocular witnesses as proof of these accusations. 

Vladimir Cerron

Vladimir Cerron

Moreover, it is even possible that a criminal organization called ‘Los Dinámicos del Centro’ based in the Province of Junin, Peru is directly involved with Pedro Castillo.

‘Los Dinámicos del Centro’ is a criminal organization composed of dozens of members managed by Vladimir Cerron, the current leader of Castillo’s political party, ‘Peru Libre’ (Free Peru). 

The ties between Vladimir Cerron and Pedro Castillo are being closely investigated by the press and Peruvian Justice. Several political analysts sustain that is just a matter of time until these links are completely visible and a formal accusation can be made. Of course, unless President Castillo, dissolves the Congress and convenes a new constituent assembly to create a Communist Regime. 

Plotino Avila

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